Solve The Human Performance Challenge

*Change Behavior*

Behavior is the foundation for all human performance

It is the enabler of efficient skills and processes.

Today, behavior is either left to chance or confused as a training topic.

As the primary element of performance, it must be successfully addressed

in order to:

- Liberate change

- Drive transformation

- Accelerate development

- Future proof business

Changing a pattern of behavior is not about the inner cause but the behavior itself.
— Frameworks

Today, performance challenges are extensive.

Deficient behaviors (or soft skills as they’re often known as) are the main cause.

This is because behavior forms the bedrock upon which skills and processes flourish. 

When left to chance or unaddressed, which is generally the case, human performance is restricted.

Behavior change, as a universal concept, is the key if it’s properly guided.

Frameworks’ vision is to create access to this transformational approach for both businesses and the people who work for them.     

Many organisations struggle with the enigma of behavior change – but within this puzzle, there is a key.

Changing Performance Starts With Behavior

No Bull – Just Courageous Behavior

Pacu Jawi Buffalo Racing Championship 2023

Frameworks is a behavior company


We build applications that solve the performance challenge and empower individuals.


FRONTLINE is a data-driven application for frontline people in the automobile and mobility industry.


We also consult and run immersive seminars on the role and benefits of behavior in human development.

Contact us for more information>>

No Frills – Just Stylish Behavior

Latin World Championship 2023

The journey to here

We have partnered with many

of the world’s top brands

since 2005.


Our experience and expertise is focused on the behavioral development of people.


The global pandemic accelerated our evolution to becoming an online provider of data-driven behavior change applications.


Today, we are combining our pure-play behavior change know-how with digital innovation to establish the world’s first platform for solving the human performance challenge.

Get in touch

Frameworks Spokesperson

Robert O’Connell

Robert is a co-founder and director of Frameworks and is the go-to person for all matters relating to behavior change solutions.

Whether you’re interested in a one-to-one discussion or a grand keynote, click this link to discover more.>>

Alternatively, contact Robert directly via:
